Our Environmental Projects
The Canberra Sundowners are particularly interested in supporting and improving our environment through a range of projects and activities. Some of these are outlined below:
Tree Planting
We have supported our parent club, the Rotary Club of Canberra Sunrise in planting about 400 tree seedlings near Denman Prospect.
Clean Up Australia Day
Since 2018 we have participated in Clean Up Australia Day every year, joining in with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Association Canberra cleaning up the top of Mount Ainslie. It is very satisfying to be able to in a small way, improve our city's health.
Adopt a Tree Certificates for Guest Speakers
Since 2021 we have purchased a tree through Rotary's 'Adopt-a-Tree' program and presented the adoption certificate to each of our guest speakers at meetings. There are tree planting activities for all of these adopted trees around NSW.
Lids 4 Kids Lid Sorting
Lids 4 Kids rescues plastic bottle lids from landfill and recycles them to protect our environment for future generations. The cleaned and sorted lids are used by a host of community and industry groups and repurposed into new and useful items.
Supporting Jerrabomberra Wetlands
We have participated in working bees and undertaken tree planting activities at the Jerrabomberra Wetlands and each year like to clean up our ACT.

Clean Up Australia Day

Lids4Kids Lid Sorting

Tree Planting