Since September 2022, members of the Sundowners have signed on with the Vinnies Night Patrol to provide food, hot drinks and other support to Canberra's homeless on the fourth Wednesday evening of each month. Our members have found this to be a very satisfying activity that can make a real difference in many ways. While a basic meal and hot or cold drink meet the physical needs of our 'companions', the Night Patrol team also provide sleeping bags, clothing and shoes, and most importantly, companionship and a chat.
This month with a couple of our volunteers away/unavailable, we needed some assistance from Vinnies staff. Thanks to our club friend Lesley for your regular and continued support. We do need a few more people to finish training and undertake some shifts so that we can guarantee Sundowners helping with this vital service once every month.
One of our members provided the following insight to supporting the Night Van: Having the privilege of working with Vinnies on the Night Patrol for many years, I have met some amazing people. Just ordinary folk - some are living rough for the first time due to relationship problems or financial issues; some have itchy feet and want to keep moving; some have a safe place to sleep but need a bit of help; some just want a chat. You see some on a regular basis, and they'll give anyone that gives us grief a right dressing down. You'll laugh, you'll get a different perspective on life - and you'll get that warm feeling deep inside because you've changed someone's world - just a bit, but every bit counts.
The Vinnies Night Van was awarded the February 2023 Fenner Community Champion (see here) which the Office of Andrew Leigh awards to shine a light on the vital community-building work done in the ACT. Thanks to our members, friends and all Canberrans who are involved in this vital service