We understand the growing importance many companies are placing on social responsibility.
The Rotary Club of Canberra Sundowners offers a corporate membership opportunity to companies looking for a way to give back and make meaningful change. 
Corporate memberships allow Canberra businesses of all sizes to participate in giving back to our community through Rotary International, one of the world's largest service organisations. Importantly, it gives staff the opportunity to actively engage in community service activities – a great way to grow skills and experience while making a real difference.
How does corporate membership work?
Corporate membership provides the opportunity for up to three members of your business to actively participate in our club. This includes one nominated primary corporate member and up to two alternate corporate members. 
A primary corporate member is a full member of Rotary International, with voting rights within the club and access to all other benefits of a full Rotarian. 
Alternate corporate members enjoy all of the benefits of participating in the activities of the club, without being a formal member of Rotary International. They do not have voting rights; however, they receive our regular bulletins with information about forthcoming events and are encouraged to participate in Rotary meetings and events. Other staff can also be involved in supporting our service activities.
Our annual corporate membership fee is $1,000.
What value does corporate membership provide?
Corporate membership provides your company with:
  • recognition of your support through a high-quality plaque and notices on our web site and at our events;
  • participation opportunities with hands-on Rotary projects;
  • increased awareness within the community through association with Rotary; and
  • direction of $250 of your corporate membership fee to a preferred club service event.
Our corporate members
Keane Consulting    
Keane Consulting is a Canberra-based specialist contracting agency, and a preferred supplier of contract resources into the Australian Department of Defence and the National Intelligence Community. The company has a strong commitment to supporting a number of charities.
Keane Consulting became our inaugural corporate sponsor in 2020. The agency has provided generous financial support to many of our events and service activities, including our annual birthing kit packing day and trivia fundraiser. Keane Consulting staff have also contributed to club meetings and a number of other service events. It truly is a win-win relationship. We're grateful for Keane Consulting's continued support. 
Cyconsol helps to improve business' overall cyber security posture through tailored and reliable consulting and solutions. Cyconsol supports a number of local charities through its CyconSOUL initiative.
Cyconsol became a corporate sponsor in July 2024, after supporting our birthing kit packing day a couple of months earlier. We're grateful for Cyconsol's generous support and look forward to growing our partnership.